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Study of colors and shades
I want to share our principles in study of colors and shades. I am deeply convinced, that for a child it is equally new and unknown all – simple or difficult. For this reason we didn't choose the way of simplifications.
East principles of Children Upbringing
Against the increasing interest in foreign educational systems, we will cover the most important principles of the Eastern system of upbringing children. It is amazing, but the upbringing of children in Russia is much closer to the Eastern system than the Western.
Early Learning Activities Can Be Harmful
Today it is difficult to be a modern parent, as among an abundance of information and advice it is hard to define what is good for your child and what can do harm. In this article, we would like to explain the most widespread problems connected to developing activities for children.
Maybe work out?
Study shapes of objects in a game
This game for studying the shapes will suit kids who adore playing with various household items, toy tools, and pieces of different board games.
Math Monsters
Funny lesson on addition and subtraction can be organized with various monsters: aliens, microbes, amoebas and other multiocular beings.
Teaching a Child to Cut With Scissors
Cutting sounds simple, but in practice it is important not to miss the sensitive development of this skill. Regularly stimulate your child in this occupation by means of different exercises.
Geometry of the way
Do you have glass balls (Marbles ) or steel balls from the magnetic constructor, or your child likes to make plasticine rolls?Let's  start construction of vertical and horizontal labyrinths! They will help the kid to study  geometry of the way and physics of the objects  movement visually.
Mathematics for preschool children of 6 years
At the age of 6 years the child is preparing for school, and parents need to pay attention to the mathematical skills development. Without preparation for school it will be difficult to understand and acquire mathematical concepts that can be a result of low progress and stress for the child.
Salty Dough Mouse
This charming mouse can be used not only for keys or games, but also as a Christmas tree decoration. Make more mice of different sizes and colors, and you can compose stories about a mouse family and play fairy tales.
To teach the child to understand time
Before teaching your child how to tell time on a clock, be sure that he knows his letters, numbers, and the parts of a circle (a quarter, a half). If your child feels a necessity to know the time, then he's ready to start learning! If your child feels a necessity to know the time, then he's ready to start learning!
Logic Learning Games For Kids 
From birth, both hemispheres of a child's brain begin to develop. The left hemisphere is responsible for language abilities, logic, and analysis. The right hemisphere is responsible for creative abilities and intuition. Some parents think it is necessary to develop one of them in particular, so the child will succeed in a certain field. But this is delusion.
Sums with Clothespins
It is difficult for some children to do exercises involving addition and subtraction using a sheet of paper, especially if its not something they study often. It helps to train their skills of mental arithmetic using hand made items.
Dots and Scissors
Combine exercises for hand coordination with cutting. Your kid can train his skills of eye estimation and fine motor skills with simple but effective templates.
What Are Some Different Ways to Write Quantities?
Teach your child that there are several ways to write down quantities. To make things fun, decide on fun names before you start - space wanderers, spies, or secret agents.