Choose the topic for your child and that's it! You can start right away!
We created 38,066 tasks for kids of different ages.
All Quizzes and Practice Tests are created to develop useful abilities and skills.
Educational games developed to stimulate for knowledge . It's easy to learn new material for children from 2 to 4 years old.
Program of easy and exciting preparation for school created for preschool children from 5 to 7 years old. All the tasks are developed by experienced teachers and psychologists.
All Quizzes and Practice Tests are created for preschoolers and children up to 11 years old. All Children surely will hapily gain an advantage over the average child their age by becoming more prepared for school. Independent practice for all ages - even those who unable to read.
10 tasks a day are available to you. Using the PRO Versioin, you are provided with full access to all Quizzes on IQsha for intelligence development. In addition, you will receive weekly hometask and printables.
Get the Pro VersionThe Program that perfectly complements the School Curriculum developed for primary school students. Developing tasks and games for children of 8-11 years old will help to repeat the material covered and open the world of new knowledge, increase intelligence and develop curiosity.
10 tasks a day are available to you. Using the PRO Versioin, you are provided with full access to all Quizzes on IQsha for intelligence development. In addition, you will receive weekly hometask and printables.
Get the Pro VersionTrophies and Medals awarded for good study habits.
Once your child completes all the quizzes in one subject and age category, they will receive a colorful, personalized diploma. Print it out, place it in a special place at home and praise your child about in front of others. You can share it on popular Social Networks.
Get your first award!