Practice Tests
Gain new knowledge in different fields with the help of specially designed tasks
After registration, every day from 1 to 3 Practice Tests will be available to you.
Tasks for general development will form a broad horizons of the child.
Practice Test introduces the basics of English Language Arts and helps to learn reading and expand vocabulary.
Practice Test will help to master counting skills, solve examples and tasks and teach you to think logically.
Would you like to work harder?
More Practice Tests in the Pro Version
Master the skills with IQsha
Choose a topic and start fun practice! Develop attention, memory, creative and logical thinking in a relaxed way, together with the good friend IQsha.
Get the Awards for correct answers and hard work
After completion of the Practice Test your child will collect the items for learning quest. It keeps the child stay motivated.
Create your own Practice Test and learn more
Choose the subjects you want to learn, indicate the number of questions from the selected quizzes and start practicing.