This game is focused on children of different ages. Basic rule: with older children use more difficult game conditions. It is possible to start playing in the early years of childhood. Such an entertainment has many positive aspects – development of attention, memory, logical thinking. To create interesting and informative games, you need to follow some simple steps.
Step 1. Material selection
If you are just starting out use very simple pictures. The difference has to be noticeable, even to the kid. It is also important to observe a quantity factor – start with 2-3 pictures. My daughter (15 months) and I use a grid from 16-20 pictures. For older children it is important to complicate the game. It is possible to select pictures for them where is not easy to find the differences.
Step 2. Rules
It is necessary to explain the rules in an intelligent way. Then the child will know precisely what the task is. Always tell them the rules aloud – for beginners it is a reminder, and for the older children it is like a signal to fix their attention. Thus we are allowed to make up more new tasks while keeping the basic principle which is to find the odd one.
Here some options of tasks to find the odd one out:
- all animals, one object
- all objects on the pictures are green, except one object/ insect/ flower
- all toys, one edible object
- all electric devices, one mechanical device
- etc.
Step 3. Game
The most important condition – the game has to be performed for pleasure, only this type of game will be useful. Forget about the words "occupation", "business", and especially - "lesson". Use them only after you are convinced that game brings the child pleasure, and that they do not mind working with cards by their self. In this case the kid will have only pleasant associations with the above-mentioned words. Use all the artistic skills: talk with a mysterious intriguing voice, hide pictures and ask the child to find them, look for superfluous in turn and score points, put different sets and play by competing in speed - who will find more superfluous. Short, but emotionally rich games will attract the attention of the child and he/she will ask more. For children of 3-4 years and up it is also possible to arrange competitions, games on elimination, and games on speed.
It is possible to play these games using an iPad or a computer. For example, there is an option for the logical game "Odd one out" on the IQsha website. Try it!
Larisa Chudinova