In the warm seasons when children spend a lot of time outside, running and jumping, you can play interesting games to develop attention. You can even play some of these games at home, but the cheerful company of friends to compete with makes them much more interesting!
Forbidden movement. Children line up. A leader stands facing the players and shows the children a designated “forbidden movement" (for example, a squat, clap, arm swing). Children have to repeat the movements of the leader, but if he shows the “forbidden movement" the children must remain motionless. If a child makes a mistake and executes "forbidden movement", they take a step forward and continue to play. Begin slowly, then increase the speed. The one who has made the fewest steps forward wins. The game develops memory, attention, and observation skills.
Traffic light. On asphalt draw two lines, one for both «start» and «finish». Then a leader is elected, and other players go to the start line. The leader, without looking at the children, calls any color. Those who have the color on their clothes can run straight to the finish line. Those who don’t have the color must run by the leader, trying not to let the leader tag them. The person who is caught becomes the leader for the next game. This game improves attention and reaction speed.
Robots. Children pretend they are robots and accurately do the commands of the leader, moving as robots. For example, "Robot, take two steps forward, turn left. Hands forward, one step backwards. Three steps backwards, hands behind your back." This game develops attentiveness, and use of verbal spatial designations.
Twister on asphalt. This game is based on the popular game Twister, only instead of the plastic field, an asphalted path in the yard is used (for children the game field can be 1 meter long and one and a half meters wide). On the path, draw four rows of six big circles with crayons: red, yellow, blue, and green. Initial positions - children start on different sides of the improvised field. The number of players is from 2 to 4. The leader announces teams in turns. There are 4 of the: "the right leg", "the left leg", "the right hand", "the left hand". The team players have to move the corresponding hand or a leg to a circle of the appropriate color. If there are 2 players, children can't put the same hand or leg in the same circle. If there are more children, it is allowed. The player leaves if he moves incorrectly – mixed color or the right / left, fell, or touched the asphalt with a knee or an elbow. This game develops attention, speed of reaction, and coordination of movements. Twister in the fresh air is a very cheerful game and lightens the mood of all the little madcaps!