Having learned ordinal counting up to 10, practically each preschool child can master simple arithmetic actions. Today we will tell about activities to help learning subtraction.

Examples on subtraction in bowling... Is it possible? Of course, if you and your child organize a competition using bowls. For difficult examples take two sets of bowls. Write down how many of them were at the beginning how many of them fell down? How many remained? Can you close your eyes and count how many could remain? You can write results in the table. Creating an amazing tournament game, you won't notice how the child will learn not only to subtract, but also will master structure of number. |
Unknown number You will need cards-tasks for this game. The simplest way is to do it using a felt-tip pen and scotch. Write an example with big numbers and its result on a piece of colored paper. You can use our printable for it too. Covering with scotch (or you can laminate it), stick a result with self-adhesive. Mix the stripes and arrange them Смешайте полоски и put them on a table by their face side down, or mix them in a box. A child "blindly" takes out an example, solves it in his mind or by means of improvised objects, toys. On self-bonding he writes down the answer, and then you accurately unstick his answer and check a result which already is written down on the strip. For each correctly solved task a child scores points. Every day it is possible to complicate a task, pass to solution of examples through ten, bu remember: your task properly to fix structure of number in memory of a child. And lot of time passes! The quicker a child finds the answer; the higher quality is a result of your activity. |
Substraction trainer Benefit of this training tool is that it is possible to use a huge number of objects instead of counters, including the plastic animals from a farm and a toy from a kinder surprise, and as "receiver" of objects it is possible to imagine any improbable adventures. Counters can take away alien plates, run away in the wood, get ready for parties, take exams in singing and other. So, arrange 10 counters-objects on the upper 10 circles. Put an object-receiver on a big round field. Think out fantastic plots and play table theater: "6 princes arrived to a ball (move counters from above in the field of "was totally"). Three of them went to save the princess. How many princes left to dance on the ball?". If you print a field on color paper and laminate it, if you laminate it will be possible to write with a marker on it and remove what you wrote. On the color illustration we signed fields that the scheme of a game was clear, but you shouldn't do it on your game field, in order not to remind the child a purpose of your occupation. |
Thus, a game, a game and once again a game will help your kid imperceptibly, fascinatingly and quickly to master arithmetics. Send photos of your occupations!!