At the age of 6 years the child is preparing for school, and parents need to pay attention to the mathematical skills development. Without preparation for school it will be difficult to understand and acquire mathematical concepts that can be a result of low progress and stress for the child. At school kids with not prepared for school feel discomfort when see that his classmates do the tasks easily, spending not much time.

The knowledge of necessary level of preparation for the child of 6 years will help you to construct home tasks properly and to find time for gaps in knowledge and abilities. So, child of 6 years:
- Knows numbers up to 30. Matches quantity of the objects to the corresponding number.
- Can model process of subtraction by means of tangible groups of objects or images.
- Is acquainted with an ordinal numeral and can call the object: the first, the second, the last, penultimate.
- Can model multiplication and division, using various objects (toys, fruit). He is capable to share their quantity into equal parts.
- Is acquainted with coins and banknotes and knows their mission.
- Can count down from 10.
- Can do simple tasks, relying on his experience. For example: "If we put these two pencils and these three pencils, it will be five. We can write down it this way: 2+3=4».
- Counts by tens up to 100: 10, 20, 30, etc.
- Uses expressions "more than" and "less than" correctly and in suitable cases.
- Can define, what number is less, within the first ten. For example: "What is less: 5 or 8?».

For children of 6 years it is important to learn to manipulate and play with a large number of the objects. So they will learn to match and establish right connection between the environment surrounding them and mathematical concepts they study.
For children of 6 years it is important to learn to manipulate and play with a large number of the objects. So they will learn to match and establish right connection between the environment surrounding them and mathematical concepts they study.
1.Cookery. The cookery provides you with a set of ways to train the child to count, weigh, measure, and estimate. Thanks to usual conversation you can use mathematical terminology. In this case it will sound simply and clearly. For example: "And now we need 2 eggs", "According to the recipe we need to pour a half of a glass of milk". This fascinating task will help the child to get necessary mathematical skills.
2. Examples. In our ordinary life we are surrounded by examples which can become our helpers in studying of mathematical concepts. You will be able to build the visual aid which will be model of the task completion. For example, you can place blocks of three colors in a certain sequence, and the child needs to continue this row, adding blocks of different colors in a necessary order.

3. Calculation. To teach the child to count, show him the process visually, using various groups of the objects. It is possible to use all improvised things which are not dangerous. You will need cards with numbers, preferably multi-colored, and group of similar objects. Ask the kid to count a quantity of objects and to match them to the corresponding number. If it is difficult – help him, if the child doesn’t want – don't force, you will be able to return to this task in couple of days.
4. Mathematical games. Such games will help to reinforce already learned material and will bear a desire to study mathematics. Also, such games promote all-round development of the child and when the child is tired, it needs to replace a kind of activity and to go from the intellectual activity to the physical. It is possible to play such games both at home and outside. The favorite well-known game "Classic" can serve as an example. For the game "What is in a Bag" you need a cardboard box and a lot of various subjects of daily use (pencils, spoons, toothbrushes, etc.). Ask the child to guess what is in a box, asking different questions. When he answers correctly, ask him to take these objects and count them, how many are there in a box.
5. Estimation. This point is one of the most important in any training. Thanks to estimation you will be able to inspire the child on further studying, or to discourage forever to study mathematics. An obligatory component is "the success situation". It is necessary not only to praise the child for his achievements, but also to ask where, in what game the child felt the best. Process of training must include approving and incentive words, such as: "Well done", "You’re doing great! ", etc. Even if something is impossible to the child, it isn't necessary to afflict him, and to tell that today he worked well in spite of the fact that it wasn't successful in some tasks.
Yana Kosyachenko