Sometimes there is a small amount of grain or a little pasta left after cooking. If you are so lucky and you have macaroni cockleshells and millet grain, you can make sunflowers that will put you in the summer mood!
You will need:
Cockleshell macaroni
PVA glue
Handful of corn grain or millet
Couple of spaghetti

Using a pencil, draw three circles in the size of future sunflowers on a carton. Use some glue to attach macaroni cockleshells in a circular pattern, pressing slightly.
Fill the center of each flower with glue. Strew millet or corn grain, filling the core of the flower until it grows larger.
Draw the direct track-stalk from a core of a flower with glue and glue one spaghetti noodle.
It is possible to draw a cloud over the flowers with glue and powder them with millet.
Paint the dry craft with gouache: first, the lobes of sunflowers yellow, then the stalks and cloudlets, and finally the middle of the sunflowers in black.
Don't forget to sign the date and save all the children's hand-made things! Display the best of them on the wall or on an office board.