Aquarium from Stones

Did you find flat pebbles or flat stones in a sandbox?Let's turn them into sea inhabitants. Making an aquarium is a fascinating occupation in which it is possible to develop the imagination. Furthermore, hand-made crafts from stones develop the small motility of a child.

What you will need:

  1. Stones (flat ones)
  2. Glue
  3. Carton
  4. Paints
  5. Brushes
  6. Paillettes for tails
  7. Decorative sea elements


Step 1.  Use dense, blue cardboard for the base. We will stick the stones on it. We will then decorate them in different bright colors.

Step 2.  Use spangles, sequins, etc. to decorate the item.

Step 3.  We will decorate the small fishes with paints and add bubbles. Then we will paste additional decorative sea elements.

Now think about what you will feed the small fish! We hope the hand-made article photos will inspire you to create some surprising aquariums. Send us your photos in the comments!

E. Kravchenko

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