Home For Parents Outlook
Year review for family members

Children grow up so fast! Before you know it, another year has come and gone. A new way to keep a record of your kid’s childhood is gaining a lot of popularity. They are various "new year interviews", "year reviews", and of course, making resolutions and planning events for next year. How do you interview a child?  Follow this advice from IQsha

Games with Ice
Winter weather is not always suitable for games with snow and ice and in the summer sometimes there comes such nostalgia on feelings of cold on our fingers! We selected a set of the extremely interesting domestic and outside games with ice.
Day of music for children
There is an opinion that only classical music is useful for children but it is not right. Various music – like jazz, rock, pop, and country is useful for children. Why? Because such abundance allows creating of different idea of a rhythm, speed, sounding.
Maybe work out?
Study of colors and shades
I want to share our principles in study of colors and shades. I am deeply convinced, that for a child it is equally new and unknown all – simple or difficult. For this reason we didn't choose the way of simplifications.
Let’s study Transport

Today millions of people worldwide use cars and other means of transport  to go to work, school, or for shopping. It will be interesting for small children and it is useful to learn about different types of transport and their mission.