It is summer outside, in our souls, and even in children's creative works. Let's give the kids the idea of creating a picture from plasticine. We will create the flower meadow!
Prepare a sheet of a green carton, a colored pencil, and soft plasticine for bright flowers. For more softness plasticine can be warmed up in warm water.

Mark circles on a sheet of a carton to "lodge" flowers. Beginning at the edges, start smearing small pieces of pink, red, or orange plasticine, moving a finger to the center. It is possible to make one-color flowers with babies, and multi-colored petals with older children. Be guided by assiduity and the endurance of your child. The work should not be so simple they finish it in five minutes, but also not too difficult.
Make three flowers and then start modeling an environment. At the edges of the carton sheet, make blue clouds. You can add both white and gray colors.
From yellow plasticine roll two large balls and flatten them out on the sheet near the flowers - they will be bees. We will make thin rolls of black plasticine and mold from them stripes, wings, eyes, and a mouth for the bees.
Make leaves for the flowers in the same way. The petals and the small stalk can be rolled like a sausage and slightly to be flattened out on the leaf. In the lower part of a picture, make green grass. The lawn is ready! Such a bright picture from plasticine will be a wonderful children's gift for any holiday.