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What is Love? It isn’t just about lovers…
How to you talk about love with children? What is daily love and how it is expressed? Read the opinion of our athor and share with your ideas with us...
The Basic Development Stages of a Child

Each parent aims for the harmonious development of theirchild and the realization of his creative and intellectual potential. Whataspects is it better to pay attention to and can you build a better program ofeducation that focus excessively on one category.

East principles of Children Upbringing
Against the increasing interest in foreign educational systems, we will cover the most important principles of the Eastern system of upbringing children. It is amazing, but the upbringing of children in Russia is much closer to the Eastern system than the Western.
Maybe work out?
Early Learning Activities Can Be Harmful
Today it is difficult to be a modern parent, as among an abundance of information and advice it is hard to define what is good for your child and what can do harm. In this article, we would like to explain the most widespread problems connected to developing activities for children.
Visiting Grandmother in Summer

Summer is a suitable time for a child to visit the grandparents for a few days. The change of place will favorably affect the development of the child, and the grandparents will share in the invaluable experience with their grandchildren.